I have listed a few points to help you learn the Beautiful Names of Allaah and hopefully fulfill the requirements mentioned in the hadeeth to enter Jannah بإذن الله
“Allaah has ninety-nine names and whoever believes in their meanings and acts accordingly will enter Paradise; and Allaah is Witr (One) and loves al witr.” (Bukhaaree no. 6410; Muslim no. 2677)
Make your intention to learn the names sincerely for Allaah's sake and not to show off.
Ask Allaah to make it easy for you.
1. Make sure you have an authentic list of Names to learn from. (Shaykh 'Uthaymeen's list is reliable). Many of the posters and apps contain unauthentic names some of which have been invented. Use my full list of names Click here
2. Learn the pronunciation of the Arabic names.
3. Read and learn their meanings in English.
4. Memorize a few names a day or even one name a day with its translation.
5. Test yourself by printing off the worksheets I have prepared and filling them in. click here
6. Test yourself by using the online quiz I designed. Click here.
7. Watch the video a few minutes a day to consolidate the names in your memory. Click here
8. Ask someone to test you.
9. Use the alphabetical order sheet to remember names by the same letters. Click here
10. Look out for the names when you read your daily portion of Qur'aan, say your du'aas and your daily prayers.
11. Read the explanations of each name. See Abu Talhah's translations, the jpegs from the Madeenah Exhibition and also look at the individual blog posts for each name. I will gradually add to the explanations by Allaah's Permission.
12. Try to implement the names in your daily life.
Allaahu 'alam.
To summarize:
1. Learn Arabic Name with its translation.
2. Understand the meaning behind the name and its detailed explanation.
3. Put what you have learned into practice.
بارك الله فيكم ووفقكم الله
“Allaah has ninety-nine names and whoever believes in their meanings and acts accordingly will enter Paradise; and Allaah is Witr (One) and loves al witr.” (Bukhaaree no. 6410; Muslim no. 2677)
The hadeeth mentions أحصاها which can mean ‘count them; memorize them; know them; believe in them; act upon them’ etc. an Najdi in his book (p38-39) an Nahj al Asmaa mentions that this means to memorize them, call upon Allaah using these Names and praise Allaah by using these Names.
Make your intention to learn the names sincerely for Allaah's sake and not to show off.
Ask Allaah to make it easy for you.
1. Make sure you have an authentic list of Names to learn from. (Shaykh 'Uthaymeen's list is reliable). Many of the posters and apps contain unauthentic names some of which have been invented. Use my full list of names Click here
2. Learn the pronunciation of the Arabic names.
3. Read and learn their meanings in English.
4. Memorize a few names a day or even one name a day with its translation.
5. Test yourself by printing off the worksheets I have prepared and filling them in. click here
6. Test yourself by using the online quiz I designed. Click here.
7. Watch the video a few minutes a day to consolidate the names in your memory. Click here
8. Ask someone to test you.
9. Use the alphabetical order sheet to remember names by the same letters. Click here
10. Look out for the names when you read your daily portion of Qur'aan, say your du'aas and your daily prayers.
11. Read the explanations of each name. See Abu Talhah's translations, the jpegs from the Madeenah Exhibition and also look at the individual blog posts for each name. I will gradually add to the explanations by Allaah's Permission.
12. Try to implement the names in your daily life.
Allaahu 'alam.
To summarize:
1. Learn Arabic Name with its translation.
2. Understand the meaning behind the name and its detailed explanation.
3. Put what you have learned into practice.
بارك الله فيكم ووفقكم الله