Thursday, 10 January 2019

Fatwaa regarding Jewellery inscribed with Allaah’s Names

“These lockets with Allah's Name on them may be worn by some people thinking they may bring good or prevent harm and may also be worn for other purposes. Such use may cause Allah's Name to be abused. For example, when sleeping or entering impure places where it is undesirable to accompany Allah's Words or things with Allah's Names engraved on them. Reviewing these facts, the Committee is of the view that it is impermissible to use a locket on which the Name of Allah is engraved to avoid imitating the Christians and Jews whom Muslim are enjoined to oppose in actions. Besides, this impermissibility blocks the means to sins and preserves Allah's Name from abuse and because of the generality of the prohibition of wearing amulets.”

Fatwa no. 2077

The Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta' (Saudi Arabia)